Sunday, September 21, 2008

What mud?

I didn't see any mud, honest Mom.

It's about time!!

So finally I got all 3 of my kids to stand still long enough - at the same time - to take a recent picture of them. The oldest 2 - the ones on the outside wearing green shirts - are Zachary and Jessyca, proudly wearing their Crew uniforms from Fuel at church. Daniel, well, that's his uniform - a silly smile or a way to make YOU smile. They're all 3 homeschooled, though don't get sucked into that ol' myth about "no social life." Their social life makes me tired. Most of it takes place at church - by their choice - which I must say is better than the social choices I made as a teenager. Zachary is my computer genius; rarely a day goes by when I'm not yelling, "Zach I need you to fix something!" He also refuses to let me beat myself up or spend any real time in a panic attack - he's a very good encourager (is that a word?). Not to mention he's just a good FRIEND and a terrific example to those he's around (including me). Now Jessyca's my social butterfly - as well as a clothes horse, of late. She's developing her own fashion sense and doing very well. She doesn't ever hear me talk - usually has those darn things in her ears playing Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Brothes or the BLUES BROTHERS...but who am I to complain? She is a lot of fun to share a milk shake with! Finally there is Daniel, who would gladly live his entire life playing his Wii and his DS, if only his mother would stop making him read so much. Funny, too - cause he has a real affinity for math and GERMAN of all things. Little dude catches on pretty fast! Daniel and I love to watch mysteries together - and Mr. Bean. I don't know who laughs harder, me or him.

Altogether - kids that don't suck too bad. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cause to Celebrate

This morning my Ebay feedback hit the 500 mark. I now (tada!) have my purple star. When looking at my profile on Ebay - sadly lacking a good picture of me, which I will remedy as soon as I can lose (or photoshop away) about 30 lbs - I note that Ebay is now officially my longest-standing relationship. Ebay and I have been together for 8 years and 8 months (give or take a day or 2). Even more than that - Ebay and I have been together 8 years 8 months, have had 621 interactions, and I have 100% feedback. I have never been able to say those things about any other relationship. And it HAS been a 2-way street - I have bought, and I have sold. And Ebay 100% loves me and recommends me to others. I am A+++++ x500!!!! Wow. Shouldn't there be some special jewelry to go along with that? I bet there is, and I bet I could out-bargain someone on it!!!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


At the urging of my aunt, I borrowed from the library - and subsequently went to Family Christian and bought a copy I could pore over and highlight if necessary - a copy of "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn. It seems that I am not alone in my secret disdain for the idea of leaving here for a boring city of light where we dress in white and sing hymns all day. I have always kept this feeling hidden - although in the last months or so it had begun to occur to me that a God who could create this fantastic temporal place certainly wouldn't abandon His lush creativity for an eternity of bleak boredom. And perhaps that if we don't see the green fields of Ireland or feel the rain on our heads in Paris in this life, perhaps we might spend part of the afterlife exploring the world God created without the hassle of actual tourism. Randy Alcorn confirms it - heaven might not suck :) Trust me - read the book! (either "Heaven" or "The Book" itself - there's plenty of proof in both).